Thomas Woods

Full-Stack Web Developer

Full-Stack Web Developer with a diverse background in mathematics, computer science, and African American studies. Works well within teams at translating feedback into achievable goals with flair and attention to detail. Became interested in web developemnt after a long career as a technology liason for a small company. Loves movies and video games.

Web Technologies and Services
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Full Stack exeperience with React, MySQL and NoSQL databases, Node, Express, RESTful development.


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Quizzical Infonauts

Educational gaming site for children and guardians to montitor a child's growth in a variety of subjects.

MongoDB, Express, Node, React. Authentication with Passport.js. Deployed on Heroku.

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Video game database library with friend's lists, user authentication, and chat.

MySQL, Express, Node, Handlebars. Authentication with Passport.js. Deployed on Heroku.

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Hogsmeade Hangout

Harry Potter fansite with games, quizzes, a chat room, and persistent storage of House Points.

HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Firebase, and more. Deployed on GitHub Pages.

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Hypno Burger

A demo site where a user creates their favorite hamburger, saves it, and then eats it.

MySQL, Express, Node, Handlebars. HTML5 video and audio tags. Deployed on Heroku.

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Mass Effect RPG

A turned based RPG card game styled and themed on the Mass Effect Universe.

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery. Features optional music. Deployed on GitHub Pages.

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Blade Runner 2049 RPS

A unique take on the classic Rock Paper Scissors game themed on the movie.

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery. Uses Firebase for chat and user authentication. Deployed on GitHub Pages.

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React.js Google Books Search

A Google Book database built in React.js that searched the Google API.

MongoDB, Express, Node, React. Uses axios for API calls. Deployed on Herouk.

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Pirate Finder

Take a 10 question quiz to match yourself with a pirate in the Monkey Island universe.

HTML, Express, Node, Path. Uses form validation. Deployed on Heroku.

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NYT News Scraper

News scraper for the NYT website, allowing users to save articles and add notes.

MongoDB, Express, Node, Handlebars. Uses Axios and Cheerio. Deployed on Heroku.

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Disney Trivia Game

A 10 question themed Disney quiz based randomly selected from a pool of questions.

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery. Uses timers and events. Deployed on Github Pages.

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Pokemon Hangman

Play a Pokemon themed version of the classic game Hangman with your keyboard!

HTML, CSS (with animations), Javascript, Jquery. Uses event delegation. Deployed on Github Pages.

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React Flag Game

Memory game with US flags randomly displayed with React.js.

React.js, HTML, CSS, JSX. Flags chosen randomly on start. Deployed on Github Pages.

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Philadelphia, PA